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Runtime API Examples

This page demonstrates usage of some of the runtime APIs provided by VitePress.

The main useData() API can be used to access site, theme, and page data for the current page. It works in both .md and .vue files:

<script setup>
import { useData } from 'vitepress'

const { theme, page, frontmatter } = useData()

## Results

### Theme Data
<pre>{{ theme }}</pre>

### Page Data
<pre>{{ page }}</pre>

### Page Frontmatter
<pre>{{ frontmatter }}</pre>


Theme Data

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                "text": "How to invoke pytest",
                "link": "/python/pytest/how_to_guides/invoke_pytest"
                "text": "How to write and report assertions in tests",
                "link": "/python/pytest/how_to_guides/assert"
                "text": "How to use fixtures",
                "link": "/python/pytest/how_to_guides/fixture"
                "text": "How to mark test functions with attributes",
                "link": "/python/pytest/how_to_guides/mark"
                "text": "How to parametrize fixtures and test functions",
                "link": "/python/pytest/how_to_guides/params_fixture"
                "text": "How to use temporary directories and files in tests",
                "link": "/python/pytest/how_to_guides/temp"
                "text": "How to monkeypatch/mock modules and environments",
                "link": "/python/pytest/how_to_guides/mock"
                "text": "How to run doctests",
                "link": "/python/pytest/how_to_guides/doctest"
                "text": "How to re-run failed tests and maintain state between test runs",
                "link": "/python/pytest/how_to_guides/re_run"
                "text": "How to manage logging",
                "link": "/python/pytest/how_to_guides/logging"
                "text": "How to capture stdout/stderr output",
                "link": "/python/pytest/how_to_guides/output"
                "text": "How to capture warnings",
                "link": "/python/pytest/how_to_guides/warning"
                "text": "How to use skip and xfail to deal with tests that cannot succeed",
                "link": "/python/pytest/how_to_guides/skip_xfail"
                "text": "How to install and use plugins",
                "link": "/python/pytest/how_to_guides/use_plugin"
                "text": "Writing plugins",
                "link": "/python/pytest/how_to_guides/write_plugin"
                "text": "Writing hook functions",
                "link": "/python/pytest/how_to_guides/hook_func"
                "text": "How to use pytest with an existing test suite",
                "link": "/python/pytest/how_to_guides/test_suite"
                "text": "How to use unittest-based tests with pytest",
                "link": "/python/pytest/how_to_guides/unittest"
                "text": "How to run tests written for nose",
                "link": "/python/pytest/how_to_guides/nose_test"
                "text": "How to implement xunit-style set-up",
                "link": "/python/pytest/how_to_guides/xunit"
                "text": "How to set up bash completion",
                "link": "/python/pytest/how_to_guides/bash_completion"
            "text": "Reference guides",
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            "items": [
                "text": "How to invoke pytest",
                "link": "/python/pytest/invoke_pytest"
            "text": "Explanation",
            "collapsed": true,
            "items": [
                "text": "How to invoke pytest",
                "link": "/python/pytest/invoke_pytest"
            "text": "Further topics",
            "collapsed": true,
            "items": [
                "text": "How to invoke pytest",
                "link": "/python/pytest/invoke_pytest"
    "/python/flask/": [
        "text": "Flask",
        "items": [
            "text": "Get Started",
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Page Data

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Page Frontmatter



Check out the documentation for the full list of runtime APIs.
