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Application Globals โ€‹

To share data that is valid for one request only from one function to another, a global variable is not good enough because it would break in threaded environments. Flask provides you with a special object that ensures it is only valid for the active request and that will return different values for each request. In a nutshell: it does the right thing, like it does for request and session.

flask.g โ€‹

A namespace object that can store data during an application context. This is an instance of Flask.app_ctx_globals_class, which defaults to ctx._AppCtxGlobals.

This is a good place to store resources during a request. For example, a before_request function could load a user object from a session id, then set g.user to be used in the view function.

This is a proxy. See Notes On Proxies for more information.


Changed in version 0.10: Bound to the application context instead of the request context.

class flask.ctx._AppCtxGlobals โ€‹

A plain object. Used as a namespace for storing data during an application context.

Creating an app context automatically creates this object, which is made available as the g proxy.

  • 'key' in g โ€‹

    Check whether an attribute is present.


    New in version 0.10.

  • iter(g) โ€‹

    Return an iterator over the attribute names.


    New in version 0.10.

  • get(name, default=None) โ€‹

    Get an attribute by name, or a default value. Like dict.get().


    • name (str) โ€“ Name of attribute to get.

    • default (Any | None) โ€“ Value to return if the attribute is not present.

    Return type: Any


    New in version 0.10.

  • pop(name, default=<object object>) โ€‹

    Get and remove an attribute by name. Like dict.pop().


    • name (str) โ€“ Name of attribute to pop.

    • default (Any) โ€“ Value to return if the attribute is not present, instead of raising a KeyError.

    Return type: Any


    New in version 0.11.

  • setdefault(name, default=None) โ€‹

    Get the value of an attribute if it is present, otherwise set and return a default value. Like dict.setdefault().


    name (str) โ€“ Name of attribute to get.

    default (Any | None) โ€“ Value to set and return if the attribute is not present.

    Return type: Any


    New in version 0.11.

Released under the MIT License.