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Collection tree objects โ€‹

These are the collector and item classes (collectively called โ€œnodesโ€) which make up the collection tree.

Node โ€‹

  • class Node

    Base class of Collector and Item, the components of the test collection tree.

    Collector's are the internal nodes of the tree, and Item's are the leaf nodes.

    • fspath: LocalPath

      A LEGACY_PATH copy of the path attribute. Intended for usage for methods not migrated to pathlib.Path yet, such as Item.reportinfo(). Will be deprecated in a future release, prefer using path instead.

    • name: str

      A unique name within the scope of the parent node.

    • parent

      The parent collector node.

    • config: Config

      The pytest config object.

    • session: Session

      The pytest session this node is part of.

    • path: Path

      Filesystem path where this node was collected from (can be None).

    • keywords: MutableMapping[str, Any]

      Keywords/markers collected from all scopes.

    • own_markers: List[Mark]

      The marker objects belonging to this node.

    • extra_keyword_matches: Set[str]

      Allow adding of extra keywords to use for matching.

    • stash: Stash

      A place where plugins can store information on the node for their own use.

    • classmethod from_parent(parent, **kw)

      Public constructor for Nodes.

      This indirection got introduced in order to enable removing the fragile logic from the node constructors.

      Subclasses can use super().from_parent(...) when overriding the construction.


      • parent (Node) โ€“ The parent node of this Node.
    • property ihook

      • fspath-sensitive hook proxy used to call pytest hooks.
    • warn(warning)

      Issue a warning for this Node.

      Warnings will be displayed after the test session, unless explicitly suppressed.


      • warning (Warning) โ€“ The warning instance to issue.


      • ValueError โ€“ If warning instance is not a subclass of Warning.

      Example usage:

      node.warn(PytestWarning("some message"))
      node.warn(UserWarning("some message"))
      node.warn(PytestWarning("some message"))
      node.warn(UserWarning("some message"))

      Changed in version 6.2: Any subclass of Warning is now accepted, rather than only PytestWarning subclasses.

    • property nodeid: str

      A ::-separated string denoting its collection tree address.

    • listchain()

      Return list of all parent collectors up to self, starting from the root of collection tree.

      Returns: The nodes.

      Return type: List[Node]

    • add_marker(marker, append=True)

      Dynamically add a marker object to the node.


      • marker (Union[str, MarkDecorator]) โ€“ The marker.

      • append (bool) โ€“ Whether to append the marker, or prepend it.

    • iter_markers(name=None)

      Iterate over all markers of the node.


      • name (Optional[str]) โ€“ If given, filter the results by the name attribute.

      Returns: An iterator of the markers of the node.

      Return type: Iterator[Mark]

    • for ... in iter_markers_with_node(name=None)

      Iterate over all markers of the node.


      • name (Optional[str]) โ€“ If given, filter the results by the name attribute.

      Returns: An iterator of (node, mark) tuples.

      Return type: Iterator[Tuple[Node, Mark]]

    • get_closest_marker(name: str) โ†’ Optional[Mark]

    • get_closest_marker(name: str, default: Mark) โ†’ Mark

      Return the first marker matching the name, from closest (for example function) to farther level (for example module level).


      • default โ€“ Fallback return value if no marker was found.

      • name โ€“ Name to filter by.

    • listextrakeywords()

      Return a set of all extra keywords in self and any parents.

    • addfinalizer(fin)

      Register a function to be called without arguments when this node is finalized.

      This method can only be called when this node is active in a setup chain, for example during self.setup().

    • getparent(cls)

      Get the next parent node (including self) which is an instance of the given class.


      • cls (Type[_NodeType]) โ€“ The node class to search for.

      Returns: The node, if found.

      Return type: Optional[_NodeType]

    • repr_failure(excinfo, style=None)

      Return a representation of a collection or test failure.


      • excinfo (ExceptionInfo[BaseException]) โ€“ Exception information for the failure.

Collector โ€‹

  • class Collector

    • Bases: Node

    Base class of all collectors.

    Collector create children through collect() and thus iteratively build the collection tree.

    • exception CollectError

      Bases: Exception

      An error during collection, contains a custom message.

    • collect()

      Collect children (items and collectors) for this collector.

    • repr_failure(excinfo)

      Return a representation of a collection failure.


      • excinfo (ExceptionInfo[BaseException]) โ€“ Exception information for the failure.
    • name: str

      A unique name within the scope of the parent node.

    • parent

      The parent collector node.

    • config: Config

      The pytest config object.

    • session: Session

      The pytest session this node is part of.

    • path: Path

      Filesystem path where this node was collected from (can be None).

    • fspath: LocalPath

      A LEGACY_PATH copy of the path attribute. Intended for usage for methods not migrated to pathlib.Path yet, such as Item.reportinfo(). Will be deprecated in a future release, prefer using path instead.

    • keywords: MutableMapping[str, Any]

      Keywords/markers collected from all scopes.

    • own_markers: List[Mark]

      The marker objects belonging to this node.

    • extra_keyword_matches: Set[str]

      Allow adding of extra keywords to use for matching.

    • stash: Stash

      A place where plugins can store information on the node for their own use.

Item โ€‹

  • class Item

    • Bases: Node

    Base class of all test invocation items.

    Note that for a single function there might be multiple test invocation items.

    • user_properties: List[Tuple[str, object]]

      A list of tuples (name, value) that holds user defined properties for this test.

    • name: str

      A unique name within the scope of the parent node.

    • parent

      The parent collector node.

    • config: Config

      The pytest config object.

    • session: Session

      The pytest session this node is part of.

    • path: Path

      Filesystem path where this node was collected from (can be None).

    • fspath: LocalPath

      A LEGACY_PATH copy of the path attribute. Intended for usage for methods not migrated to pathlib.Path yet, such as Item.reportinfo(). Will be deprecated in a future release, prefer using path instead.

    • keywords: MutableMapping[str, Any]

      Keywords/markers collected from all scopes.

    • own_markers: List[Mark]

      The marker objects belonging to this node.

    • extra_keyword_matches: Set[str]

      Allow adding of extra keywords to use for matching.

    • stash: Stash

      A place where plugins can store information on the node for their own use.

    • runtest()

      Run the test case for this item.

      Must be implemented by subclasses.

    • add_report_section(when, key, content)

      Add a new report section, similar to whatโ€™s done internally to add stdout and stderr captured output:

      item.add_report_section("call", "stdout", "report section contents")
      item.add_report_section("call", "stdout", "report section contents")


      • when (str) โ€“ One of the possible capture states, "setup", "call", "teardown".

      • key (str) โ€“ Name of the section, can be customized at will. Pytest uses "stdout" and "stderr" internally.

      • content (str) โ€“ The full contents as a string.

    • reportinfo()

      Get location information for this item for test reports.

      Returns a tuple with three elements:

      • The path of the test (default self.path)

      • The 0-based line number of the test (default None)

      • A name of the test to be shown (default "")

    • property location: Tuple[str, Optional[int], str]

      Returns a tuple of (relfspath, lineno, testname) for this item where relfspath is file path relative to config.rootpath and lineno is a 0-based line number.

File โ€‹

  • class File

    • Bases: FSCollector

    Base class for collecting tests from a file.

    Working with non-python tests

    • name: str

      A unique name within the scope of the parent node.

    • parent

      The parent collector node.

    • config: Config

      The pytest config object.

    • session: Session

      The pytest session this node is part of.

    • path: Path

      Filesystem path where this node was collected from (can be None).

    • fspath: LocalPath

      A LEGACY_PATH copy of the path attribute. Intended for usage for methods not migrated to pathlib.Path yet, such as Item.reportinfo(). Will be deprecated in a future release, prefer using path instead.

    • keywords: MutableMapping[str, Any]

      Keywords/markers collected from all scopes.

    • own_markers: List[Mark]

      The marker objects belonging to this node.

    • extra_keyword_matches: Set[str]

      Allow adding of extra keywords to use for matching.

    • stash: Stash

      A place where plugins can store information on the node for their own use.

FSCollector โ€‹

  • class FSCollector

    • Bases: Collector

    Base class for filesystem collectors.

    • path: Path

      Filesystem path where this node was collected from (can be None).

    • classmethod from_parent(parent, *, fspath=None, path=None, **kw)

      The public constructor.

    • name: str

      A unique name within the scope of the parent node.

    • parent

      The parent collector node.

    • config: Config

      The pytest config object.

    • session: Session

      The pytest session this node is part of.

    • fspath: LocalPath

      A LEGACY_PATH copy of the path attribute. Intended for usage for methods not migrated to pathlib.Path yet, such as Item.reportinfo(). Will be deprecated in a future release, prefer using path instead.

    • keywords: MutableMapping[str, Any]

      Keywords/markers collected from all scopes.

    • own_markers: List[Mark]

      The marker objects belonging to this node.

    • extra_keyword_matches: Set[str]

      Allow adding of extra keywords to use for matching.

    • stash: Stash

      A place where plugins can store information on the node for their own use.

Session โ€‹

  • final class Session

    • Bases: FSCollector

    The root of the collection tree.

    Session collects the initial paths given as arguments to pytest.

    • exception Interrupted

      • Bases: KeyboardInterrupt

      Signals that the test run was interrupted.

    • exception Failed

      • Bases: Exception

      Signals a stop as failed test run.

    • property startpath: Path

      The path from which pytest was invoked.

      New in version 7.0.0.

    • perform_collect(args: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, genitems: Literal[True] = True) โ†’ Sequence[Item]

    • perform_collect(args: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, genitems: bool = True) โ†’ Sequence[Union[Item, Collector]]

      Perform the collection phase for this session.

      This is called by the default pytest_collection hook implementation; see the documentation of this hook for more details. For testing purposes, it may also be called directly on a fresh Session.

      This function normally recursively expands any collectors collected from the session to their items, and only items are returned. For testing purposes, this may be suppressed by passing genitems=False, in which case the return value contains these collectors unexpanded, and session.items is empty.

    • for ... in collect()

      Collect children (items and collectors) for this collector.

    • name: str

      A unique name within the scope of the parent node.

    • parent

      The parent collector node.

    • config: Config

      The pytest config object.

    • session: Session

      The pytest session this node is part of.

    • path: Path

      Filesystem path where this node was collected from (can be None).

Package โ€‹

  • class Package

    • Bases: Module

    Collector for files and directories in a Python packages โ€“ directories with an file.

    • name: str

      A unique name within the scope of the parent node.

    • for ... in collect()

      Collect children (items and collectors) for this collector.

    • parent

      The parent collector node.

    • config: Config

      The pytest config object.

    • session: Session

      The pytest session this node is part of.

    • path: Path

      Filesystem path where this node was collected from (can be None).

    • fspath: LocalPath

      A LEGACY_PATH copy of the path attribute. Intended for usage for methods not migrated to pathlib.Path yet, such as Item.reportinfo(). Will be deprecated in a future release, prefer using path instead.

    • keywords: MutableMapping[str, Any]

      Keywords/markers collected from all scopes.

    • own_markers: List[Mark]

      The marker objects belonging to this node.

    • extra_keyword_matches: Set[str]

      Allow adding of extra keywords to use for matching.

    • stash: Stash

      A place where plugins can store information on the node for their own use.

Module โ€‹

  • class Module

    • Bases: File, PyCollector

    Collector for test classes and functions in a Python module.

    • collect()

      Collect children (items and collectors) for this collector.

    • name: str

      A unique name within the scope of the parent node.

    • parent

      The parent collector node.

    • config: Config

      The pytest config object.

    • session: Session

      The pytest session this node is part of.

    • path: Path

      Filesystem path where this node was collected from (can be None).

    • fspath: LocalPath

      A LEGACY_PATH copy of the path attribute. Intended for usage for methods not migrated to pathlib.Path yet, such as Item.reportinfo(). Will be deprecated in a future release, prefer using path instead.

    • keywords: MutableMapping[str, Any]

      Keywords/markers collected from all scopes.

    • own_markers: List[Mark]

      The marker objects belonging to this node.

    • extra_keyword_matches: Set[str]

      Allow adding of extra keywords to use for matching.

    • stash: Stash

      A place where plugins can store information on the node for their own use.

Class โ€‹

  • class Class

    • Bases: PyCollector

    Collector for test methods (and nested classes) in a Python class.

    • classmethod from_parent(parent, *, name, obj=None, **kw)

      The public constructor.

    • collect()

      Collect children (items and collectors) for this collector.

    • name: str

      A unique name within the scope of the parent node.

    • parent

      The parent collector node.

    • config: Config

      The pytest config object.

    • session: Session

      The pytest session this node is part of.

    • path: Path

      Filesystem path where this node was collected from (can be None).

    • fspath: LocalPath

      A LEGACY_PATH copy of the path attribute. Intended for usage for methods not migrated to pathlib.Path yet, such as Item.reportinfo(). Will be deprecated in a future release, prefer using path instead.

    • keywords: MutableMapping[str, Any]

      Keywords/markers collected from all scopes.

    • own_markers: List[Mark]

      The marker objects belonging to this node.

    • extra_keyword_matches: Set[str]

      Allow adding of extra keywords to use for matching.

    • stash: Stash

      A place where plugins can store information on the node for their own use.

Function โ€‹

  • class Function

    • Bases: PyobjMixin, Item

    Item responsible for setting up and executing a Python test function.

    • Parameters:

      • name โ€“ The full function name, including any decorations like those added by parametrization (my_func[my_param]).

      • parent โ€“ The parent Node.

      • config โ€“ The pytest Config object.

      • callspec โ€“ If given, this is function has been parametrized and the callspec contains meta information about the parametrization.

      • callobj โ€“ If given, the object which will be called when the Function is invoked, otherwise the callobj will be obtained from parent using originalname.

      • keywords โ€“ Keywords bound to the function object for โ€œ-kโ€ matching.

      • session โ€“ The pytest Session object.

      • fixtureinfo โ€“ Fixture information already resolved at this fixture node..

      • originalname โ€“ The attribute name to use for accessing the underlying function object. Defaults to name. Set this if name is different from the original name, for example when it contains decorations like those added by parametrization (my_func[my_param]).

    • originalname

      Original function name, without any decorations (for example parametrization adds a "[...]" suffix to function names), used to access the underlying function object from parent (in case callobj is not given explicitly).

      New in version 3.0.

    • classmethod from_parent(parent, **kw)

      The public constructor.

    • property function

      Underlying python โ€˜functionโ€™ object.

    • runtest()

      Execute the underlying test function.

    • repr_failure(excinfo)

      Return a representation of a collection or test failure.


      • excinfo (ExceptionInfo[BaseException]) โ€“ Exception information for the failure.
    • name: str

      A unique name within the scope of the parent node.

    • parent

      The parent collector node.

    • config: Config

      The pytest config object.

    • session: Session

      The pytest session this node is part of.

    • path: Path

      Filesystem path where this node was collected from (can be None).

    • fspath: LocalPath

      A LEGACY_PATH copy of the path attribute. Intended for usage for methods not migrated to pathlib.Path yet, such as Item.reportinfo(). Will be deprecated in a future release, prefer using path instead.

    • keywords: MutableMapping[str, Any]

      Keywords/markers collected from all scopes.

    • own_markers: List[Mark]

      The marker objects belonging to this node.

    • extra_keyword_matches: Set[str]

      Allow adding of extra keywords to use for matching.

    • stash: Stash

      A place where plugins can store information on the node for their own use.

    • user_properties: List[Tuple[str, object]]

      A list of tuples (name, value) that holds user defined properties for this test.

FunctionDefinition โ€‹

  • class FunctionDefinition

    • Bases: Function

    This class is a stop gap solution until we evolve to have actual function definition nodes and manage to get rid of metafunc.

    • runtest()

      Execute the underlying test function.

    • name: str

      A unique name within the scope of the parent node.

    • parent

      The parent collector node.

    • config: Config

      The pytest config object.

    • session: Session

      The pytest session this node is part of.

    • path: Path

      Filesystem path where this node was collected from (can be None).

    • setup()

      Execute the underlying test function.

    • fspath: LocalPath

      A LEGACY_PATH copy of the path attribute. Intended for usage for methods not migrated to pathlib.Path yet, such as Item.reportinfo(). Will be deprecated in a future release, prefer using path instead.

    • keywords: MutableMapping[str, Any]

      Keywords/markers collected from all scopes.

    • own_markers: List[Mark]

      The marker objects belonging to this node.

    • extra_keyword_matches: Set[str]

      Allow adding of extra keywords to use for matching.

    • stash: Stash

      A place where plugins can store information on the node for their own use.

    • user_properties: List[Tuple[str, object]]

      A list of tuples (name, value) that holds user defined properties for this test.

Released under the MIT License.