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Configuration Options โ€‹

Here is a list of builtin configuration options that may be written in a pytest.ini (or .pytest.ini), pyproject.toml, tox.ini, or setup.cfg file, usually located at the root of your repository.

To see each file format in details, see Configuration file formats.


Usage of setup.cfg is not recommended except for very simple use cases. .cfg files use a different parser than pytest.ini and tox.ini which might cause hard to track down problems. When possible, it is recommended to use the latter files, or pyproject.toml, to hold your pytest configuration.

Configuration options may be overwritten in the command-line by using -o/--override-ini, which can also be passed multiple times. The expected format is name=value. For example:

pytest -o console_output_style=classic -o cache_dir=/tmp/mycache
pytest -o console_output_style=classic -o cache_dir=/tmp/mycache

addopts โ€‹

Add the specified OPTS to the set of command line arguments as if they had been specified by the user. Example: if you have this ini file content:

# content of pytest.ini
addopts = --maxfail=2 -rf  # exit after 2 failures, report fail info
# content of pytest.ini
addopts = --maxfail=2 -rf  # exit after 2 failures, report fail info

issuing pytest actually means:

pytest --maxfail=2 -rf
pytest --maxfail=2 -rf

Default is to add no options.

cache_dir โ€‹

Sets a directory where stores content of cache plugin. Default directory is .pytest_cache which is created in rootdir. Directory may be relative or absolute path. If setting relative path, then directory is created relative to rootdir. Additionally path may contain environment variables, that will be expanded. For more information about cache plugin please refer to How to re-run failed tests and maintain state between test runs.

console_output_style โ€‹

Sets the console output style while running tests:

  • classic: classic pytest output.

  • progress: like classic pytest output, but with a progress indicator.

  • progress-even-when-capture-no: allows the use of the progress indicator even when capture=no.

  • count: like progress, but shows progress as the number of tests completed instead of a percent.

The default is progress, but you can fallback to classic if you prefer or the new mode is causing unexpected problems:

# content of pytest.ini
console_output_style = classic
# content of pytest.ini
console_output_style = classic

doctest_encoding โ€‹

Default encoding to use to decode text files with docstrings. See how pytest handles doctests.

doctest_optionflags โ€‹

One or more doctest flag names from the standard doctest module. See how pytest handles doctests.

empty_parameter_set_mark โ€‹

Allows to pick the action for empty parametersets in parameterization

  • skip skips tests with an empty parameterset (default)

  • xfail marks tests with an empty parameterset as xfail(run=False)

  • fail_at_collect raises an exception if parametrize collects an empty parameter set

# content of pytest.ini
empty_parameter_set_mark = xfail
# content of pytest.ini
empty_parameter_set_mark = xfail


The default value of this option is planned to change to xfail in future releases as this is considered less error prone, see issue #3155 for more details.

faulthandler_timeout โ€‹

Dumps the tracebacks of all threads if a test takes longer than X seconds to run (including fixture setup and teardown). Implemented using the faulthandler.dump_traceback_later() function, so all caveats there apply.

# content of pytest.ini
# content of pytest.ini

For more information please refer to Fault Handler.

filterwarnings โ€‹

Sets a list of filters and actions that should be taken for matched warnings. By default all warnings emitted during the test session will be displayed in a summary at the end of the test session.

# content of pytest.ini
filterwarnings =
# content of pytest.ini
filterwarnings =

This tells pytest to ignore deprecation warnings and turn all other warnings into errors. For more information please refer to How to capture warnings.

junit_duration_report โ€‹

New in version 4.1.

Configures how durations are recorded into the JUnit XML report:

  • total (the default): duration times reported include setup, call, and teardown times.

  • call: duration times reported include only call times, excluding setup and teardown.

junit_duration_report = call
junit_duration_report = call

junit_family โ€‹

New in version 4.2.

Changed in version 6.1: Default changed to xunit2.

Configures the format of the generated JUnit XML file. The possible options are:

  • xunit1 (or legacy): produces old style output, compatible with the xunit 1.0 format.

  • xunit2: produces xunit 2.0 style output, which should be more compatible with latest Jenkins versions. This is the default.

junit_family = xunit2
junit_family = xunit2

junit_logging โ€‹

New in version 3.5.

Changed in version 5.4: log, all, out-err options added.

Configures if captured output should be written to the JUnit XML file. Valid values are:

  • log: write only logging captured output.

  • system-out: write captured stdout contents.

  • system-err: write captured stderr contents.

  • out-err: write both captured stdout and stderr contents.

  • all: write captured logging, stdout and stderr contents.

  • no (the default): no captured output is written.

junit_logging = system-out
junit_logging = system-out

junit_log_passing_tests โ€‹

New in version 4.6.

If junit_logging != "no", configures if the captured output should be written to the JUnit XML file for passing tests. Default is True.

junit_log_passing_tests = False
junit_log_passing_tests = False

junit_suite_name โ€‹

To set the name of the root test suite xml item, you can configure the junit_suite_name option in your config file:

junit_suite_name = my_suite
junit_suite_name = my_suite

log_auto_indent โ€‹

Allow selective auto-indentation of multiline log messages.

Supports command line option --log-auto-indent [value] and config option log_auto_indent = [value] to set the auto-indentation behavior for all logging.

[value] can be:

  • True or โ€œOnโ€ - Dynamically auto-indent multiline log messages

  • False or โ€œOffโ€ or 0 - Do not auto-indent multiline log messages (the default behavior)

  • [positive integer] - auto-indent multiline log messages by [value] spaces

log_auto_indent = False
log_auto_indent = False

Supports passing kwarg extra={"auto_indent": [value]} to calls to logging.log() to specify auto-indentation behavior for a specific entry in the log. extra kwarg overrides the value specified on the command line or in the config.

log_cli โ€‹

Enable log display during test run (also known as โ€œlive loggingโ€). The default is False.

log_cli = True
log_cli = True

log_cli_date_format โ€‹

Sets a time.strftime()-compatible string that will be used when formatting dates for live logging.

log_cli_date_format = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
log_cli_date_format = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S

For more information, see Live Logs.

log_cli_format โ€‹

Sets a logging-compatible string used to format live logging messages.

log_cli_format = %(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s
log_cli_format = %(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s

For more information, see Live Logs.

log_cli_level โ€‹

Sets the minimum log message level that should be captured for live logging. The integer value or the names of the levels can be used.

log_cli_level = INFO
log_cli_level = INFO

For more information, see Live Logs.

log_date_format โ€‹

Sets a time.strftime()-compatible string that will be used when formatting dates for logging capture.

log_date_format = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
log_date_format = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S

For more information, see How to manage logging.

log_file โ€‹

Sets a file name relative to the current working directory where log messages should be written to, in addition to the other logging facilities that are active.

log_file = logs/pytest-logs.txt
log_file = logs/pytest-logs.txt

For more information, see How to manage logging.

log_file_date_format โ€‹

Sets a time.strftime()-compatible string that will be used when formatting dates for the logging file.

log_file_date_format = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
log_file_date_format = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S

For more information, see How to manage logging.

log_file_format โ€‹

Sets a logging-compatible string used to format logging messages redirected to the logging file.

log_file_format = %(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s
log_file_format = %(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s

For more information, see How to manage logging.

log_file_level โ€‹

Sets the minimum log message level that should be captured for the logging file. The integer value or the names of the levels can be used.

log_file_level = INFO
log_file_level = INFO

For more information, see How to manage logging.

log_format โ€‹

Sets a logging-compatible string used to format captured logging messages.

log_format = %(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s
log_format = %(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s

For more information, see How to manage logging.

log_level โ€‹

Sets the minimum log message level that should be captured for logging capture. The integer value or the names of the levels can be used.

log_level = INFO
log_level = INFO

For more information, see How to manage logging.

markers โ€‹

When the --strict-markers or --strict command-line arguments are used, only known markers - defined in code by core pytest or some plugin - are allowed.

You can list additional markers in this setting to add them to the whitelist, in which case you probably want to add --strict-markers to addopts to avoid future regressions:

addopts = --strict-markers
markers =
addopts = --strict-markers
markers =


The use of --strict-markers is highly preferred. --strict was kept for backward compatibility only and may be confusing for others as it only applies to markers and not to other options.

minversion โ€‹

Specifies a minimal pytest version required for running tests.

# content of pytest.ini
minversion = 3.0  # will fail if we run with pytest-2.8
# content of pytest.ini
minversion = 3.0  # will fail if we run with pytest-2.8

norecursedirs โ€‹

Set the directory basename patterns to avoid when recursing for test discovery. The individual (fnmatch-style) patterns are applied to the basename of a directory to decide if to recurse into it. Pattern matching characters:

*       matches everything
?       matches any single character
[seq]   matches any character in seq
[!seq]  matches any char not in seq
*       matches everything
?       matches any single character
[seq]   matches any character in seq
[!seq]  matches any char not in seq

Default patterns are '*.egg', '.*', '_darcs', 'build', 'CVS', 'dist', 'node_modules', 'venv', '{arch}'. Setting a norecursedirs replaces the default. Here is an example of how to avoid certain directories:

norecursedirs = .svn _build tmp*
norecursedirs = .svn _build tmp*

This would tell pytest to not look into typical subversion or sphinx-build directories or into any tmp prefixed directory.

Additionally, pytest will attempt to intelligently identify and ignore a virtualenv by the presence of an activation script. Any directory deemed to be the root of a virtual environment will not be considered during test collection unless โ€‘โ€‘collectโ€‘inโ€‘virtualenv is given. Note also that norecursedirs takes precedence over โ€‘โ€‘collectโ€‘inโ€‘virtualenv; e.g. if you intend to run tests in a virtualenv with a base directory that matches '.*' you must override norecursedirs in addition to using the โ€‘โ€‘collectโ€‘inโ€‘virtualenv flag.

python_classes โ€‹

One or more name prefixes or glob-style patterns determining which classes are considered for test collection. Search for multiple glob patterns by adding a space between patterns. By default, pytest will consider any class prefixed with Test as a test collection. Here is an example of how to collect tests from classes that end in Suite:

python_classes = *Suite
python_classes = *Suite

Note that unittest.TestCase derived classes are always collected regardless of this option, as unittestโ€™s own collection framework is used to collect those tests.

python_files โ€‹

One or more Glob-style file patterns determining which python files are considered as test modules. Search for multiple glob patterns by adding a space between patterns:

python_files = test_*.py check_*.py example_*.py
python_files = test_*.py check_*.py example_*.py

Or one per line:

python_files =
python_files =

By default, files matching test_*.py and * will be considered test modules.

python_functions โ€‹

One or more name prefixes or glob-patterns determining which test functions and methods are considered tests. Search for multiple glob patterns by adding a space between patterns. By default, pytest will consider any function prefixed with test as a test. Here is an example of how to collect test functions and methods that end in _test:

python_functions = *_test
python_functions = *_test

Note that this has no effect on methods that live on a unittest.TestCase derived class, as unittestโ€™s own collection framework is used to collect those tests.

See Changing naming conventions for more detailed examples.

pythonpath โ€‹

Sets list of directories that should be added to the python search path. Directories will be added to the head of sys.path. Similar to the PYTHONPATH environment variable, the directories will be included in where Python will look for imported modules. Paths are relative to the rootdir directory. Directories remain in path for the duration of the test session.

pythonpath = src1 src2
pythonpath = src1 src2


pythonpath does not affect some imports that happen very early, most notably plugins loaded using the -p command line option.

required_plugins โ€‹

A space separated list of plugins that must be present for pytest to run. Plugins can be listed with or without version specifiers directly following their name. Whitespace between different version specifiers is not allowed. If any one of the plugins is not found, emit an error.

required_plugins = pytest-django>=3.0.0,<4.0.0 pytest-html pytest-xdist>=1.0.0
required_plugins = pytest-django>=3.0.0,<4.0.0 pytest-html pytest-xdist>=1.0.0

testpaths โ€‹

Sets list of directories that should be searched for tests when no specific directories, files or test ids are given in the command line when executing pytest from the rootdir directory. File system paths may use shell-style wildcards, including the recursive ** pattern.

Useful when all project tests are in a known location to speed up test collection and to avoid picking up undesired tests by accident.

testpaths = testing doc
testpaths = testing doc

This configuration means that executing:


has the same practical effects as executing:

pytest testing doc
pytest testing doc

tmp_path_retention_count โ€‹

How many sessions should we keep the tmp_path directories, according to tmp_path_retention_policy.

tmp_path_retention_count = 3
tmp_path_retention_count = 3

Default: 3

tmp_path_retention_policy โ€‹

Controls which directories created by the tmp_path fixture are kept around, based on test outcome.

  • all: retains directories for all tests, regardless of the outcome.

  • failed: retains directories only for tests with outcome error or failed.

  • none: directories are always removed after each test ends, regardless of the outcome.

tmp_path_retention_policy = "all"
tmp_path_retention_policy = "all"

Default: all

usefixtures โ€‹

List of fixtures that will be applied to all test functions; this is semantically the same to apply the @pytest.mark.usefixtures marker to all test functions.

usefixtures =
usefixtures =

xfail_strict โ€‹

If set to True, tests marked with @pytest.mark.xfail that actually succeed will by default fail the test suite. For more information, see strict parameter.

xfail_strict = True
xfail_strict = True

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